Call for Papers for Special Issue
Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP]: Is it Alive or Dead?
[Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies]
When the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT] of 1947 was transformed into World Trade Organization [WTO]; 1995, it was believed and committed by the signatories that the purpose of creating WTO was to promote ‘multilateral trading system’. As a result, the concept of ‘regionalism’ was kept at the low ebb. As the time passing out, it was realized by the member nations of WTO that MTS had failed and accordingly the concept of “New Regionalism] emerged out. The member countries started creating trading blocks to maximize the benefits of trade. The main contributory factor responsible for the emergence of ‘New Regionalism” was the failure of Doha Development Round. This was the turning point in the annals of world trade in general and WTO in particular.
The concept of regional integration has been gaining momentum with faster pace. This is because the dynamics of the multilateral trading system have been fizzling out. Accordingly, regional trade agreements [New Regionalism] are multiplying at an unprecedented rate. There is a saying that many national markets alone are simply too small, for trading goods, attracting investment, stimulating innovation and keeping themselves competitive. Beyond trade and market integration, there are many other contributory reasons to bundle forces at the regional level and then integrate themselves. In terms of Political Economy, it makes the sense to strengthen the relations with your neighbouring countries as this interdependence reduces the incentives for conflict which is on the rise.
In the history of regional integration, the big mega regional trade deal, having far reaching effects, impacts, consequences and implications to world trade in general and multilateral trading system and World Trade Organization in particular was Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP]. This, mega trade deal was initiated by the United State of America wherein 11 countries came together. The deal was signed by the countries on February 4, 2016. In 2017, the United States of America withdraw its membership.
The TPP is covering large economies in the Asia-Pacific region, and trading block may have a considerable influence on the regional economies of Asia and Pacific. The TPP has significant share in the global economy [13 per cent GDP and 20 per cent of global trade and 500 million of global population]. Keeping in mind, the significance of the mega regional trading deal [TPP], there are many questions that required logical answers. This is why, there is an immediate need to carry out a special issue to transform myth into reality.
Why Special Issue on TPP?
Almost 06 years have passed out of TPP creation, every academia’s; trade economists and policy maker are keen to know the impact, implications and consequences of the TPP on the global economy in general and world trade and the role of WTO in particular. The special issue will measure the economic impact of the mega initiative along with the economic feasibility. The special issue may go further to investigate the implications to member nations in particular and non-members in general of TPP. Academicians; trade analysts; policy makers and trade organizations will be invited across the world to measure economic gains that are arising out for the member countries in particular and global economy in general. The issue will also examine how much and far the TPP has achieved its prime objective for which it was established.
Tentative topic to be covered: -
Multilateral Trading System and its failure;
Why the need for TPP felt?
Development of concepts of Old Regionalism and New Regionalism; and Open Regionalism;
Evolution of TPP;
Conceptual explanation of the emergence of TPP;
Emergence of New and Open Regionalism in Asia and Pacific;
Measurement of impact of TPP on global trade;
Role of WTO after emergence of TPP is it expended or contracted;
Which way forward-TPP?
Why the USA withdraw from the mega deal?
Should the USA again joint TPP?
Is TPP may affect the working of RCEP especially after the January 1, 2022 or other way round?
Time frame for the Issue:
• Launch for the Call for Papers: April 30, 2022;
• Last Date of submission of papers: November 30, 2022;
• Publication of special issue in January/February 2023;
The papers should be between 6000 and 8000 words
The contributors/authors may send their respective research papers to the Guest Editor, Prof. Dr. Badar Alam Iqbal; Adjunct Professor; Monarch Business School; Switzerland; at any one of the following Email IDs: -;