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Publisher: JAPSS Press, Inc
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Research and Analysis:
Necrosymbiosis------------Christopher Smithmyer
Cote d’Ivoire: Building Peace through a Federal Paradigm------’Dele Ogunmola
The Thai Ethnocracy Unravels: A Critical Cultural Analysis of Thailand’s Socio-Political Unrest-------------------------------------Otto F. von Feigenblatt
Nigerian Parties and Political Ideology---------------------J. Shola Omotola
Drawbacks of Indian Democracy in Homen Borgohain’s Pita Putra and Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger and Between the Assassinations: A Comparative Study-----------------------------Sebastian A. J and Nigamananda Das
In Search of Greater Unity: African States and the Quest for an African Union Government------------------------------------------------Sharkdam Wapmuk
Criminal Justice Funding in North Carolina: A system in Crisis------------------------------------Douglas Yearwood
Disparities in Development, Status of Women and Social Opportunities: Indian Experience---------------------------------------------Deepti Gupta
Towards Rebuilding a Failed State: The United Nations Intervention in the Post-Civil War Sierra Leone-------------Isiaka Alani Badmus and ’Dele Ogunmola
Teachers and School Violence: A Comparative Study of Danish, American and Polish Phenomena---------------------------------------Piotr Kowzan
Students Enrolment in Professional Education: A Study of Karnataka--------------------Mallikarjun Nagashetty and Nusrat Fatima
Values to Action: Utilizing a Value Informed Decision Matrix to “Jumpstart” Dialogue and Critical Self Reflection bySchool Leaders on Elements Influencing Their Decision-making Process------- Valerie Storey and Thomas E. Beeman
Development or Underdevelopment: The Case of Non-Governmental Organizations in Neoliberal Sub-Saharan Africa ---------------Maureen Kihika
The Contribution of the Neofunctionalist and Intergovernmentalist Theories to the Evolution of the EuropeanIntegration Process---------Teodor Lucian Moga
Explaining Women’s Roles in the West African Tragic Triplet: Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Cote d’Ivoire in Comparative Perspective------Isiaka Alani Badmus
Multiple Opinions and Perspectives:
The Case of the Awkward Statistics: A Critique of Postdevelopment-----------Daniel Clausen
Eco-Imperialism: The Global North’s Weapon of Mass Intervention----------------Lim Soomin and Steven Shirley
Hearts, Minds, and Wallets: Lessons from China’s Growing Relationship with Africa-----------------------------------------David Alexander Robinson
Globalizing Contemporary War---------------------------------------Melissa Zisler
War on Terror, or Interests and Ideology? Reframing U.S Foreign Policy Before and After 9/11-------------------------------------------------Magid Shihade
Disciplinary “Moratorium”: Post-Colonial Studies, Third Wave Feminism, and Development Studies---------------------------Otto F. von Feigenblatt
Voicing Slum-subaltern in Slumdog Millionaire ------------ A.J. Sebastian
The Role of Community Development Committees in Farmer-Herder Conflicts in Central Agricultural Zone of Delta State, Nigeria.------------------Albert Ofuoku
The Simplicity of the Gandhian Discourse in Hind Swaraj (1909)------------------Tamer Söyler
Quest for True Love in Kamala Das’s Poetry--------------Om Prakash Dwivedi
Back to the Past: Marxist Concepts Reborn----------------------------------------------Phillip A. Smith and Joseph A. Rickert
Untouchability and Social Exclusion in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things (1997)The God of Small Things (1997)-----------------Veena Shukla
Indigenizing the Brechtian Theory of Epic Theater: A Case Study of Nāga – Mandala------------------------------- Awanish Rai
Fragile Kashmir, Costs and Hopes for Peace-------------------Seema Shekhawat
The Management of Globalization in Singapore: Twentieth Century Lessons for the Early Decades of the New Century-------------------Marystella Amaldas
The AfPak Strategy and its Implementation---------------------------------------Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra