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Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences (JAPSS

Volume 10 Issue 1 May 2019

Li-Fi Networks in 5th Environments

Ángel Iván Torres Quijije, Juan Carlos Pisco Vanegas, & Andrea Raquel Zuñiga Paredes

In Situ Ruminal Degradability of Four-Hybrid Fodder Maize Silages at Two Harvest Ages

Ítalo Fernando Espinoza-Guerra, Christian Oliver Sánchez-Ganchozo, Alexandra Elizabeth Barrera-Álvarez, Jorge Gustavo Quintana-Zamora, Jorge Geovanny Muñoz-Rodríguez, & Adalberto Antonio Coello-Vera

Analysis of the IPTV Service in Ecuador

Angel Ivan Torres Quijije, Andrea Raquel Zuñiga Paredes, & Glen Walter Vinueza

Diversity of Scolitids in Plantations and Trees of Tectona Grandis L.F. (Teak) In The Province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas

Edison Hidalgo Solano Apuntes, Carlos Eulogio Belezaca Pinargote, Rolando Manuel López Tobar, Jennifer Leonor Olalla Zambrano, Blanca Lisette Chanaluisa Chariguaman, Keberlin Patricia Macias Suárez, & Jefferson Javier Castro Villares

Air Pollution in the City of Bogotá

Fernando Fonseca Camargo

The Coopetition as ESTR Strategy for Competitiveness in the Tourism Sector of Tolima. Colombian Case in The Ruta Mutis

Clara Eugenia Segovia Borray, Diego Hernando Cifuentes Bedoya, & Helga Patricia Bermeo-Andrade

Behavior of the Recycled Nutrient Solution in a Carnation Cultivation System without Soil

William J, Cuervo-Bejarano, Ximena del Pilar Palomar-Rodríguez

Edu-Comunicación: Memories from The School

Sandra Paola Castro Rozo & Elkin Sawbuer Salazar Castañeda

Copyright held by the Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 2024.

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