Journal of Asia Pacific Studies
ISSN: 1948-0105 (Electronic)
ISSN: 1948-0091 (Print)
Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2019
Table of Contents
Analysis of the logistic chain of foliages type export Cachipay- Cundinamarca- Colombia
Efrén Eduardo Rojas, María José Hernández
Epigenetics, biological evolution and ecology: the emergency of phenotype
Camilo José González-Martínez
Magnolia Rivera Cumbe, María Alejandra Mahecha Caicedo, Federico Jiménez Varón, Angie Lorena Mahecha Pérez
Plan management watershed Yegüera, Girardot - Cundinamarca
Hernán Montealegre Monroy
Employment and inclusion of people with disabilities in Colombia
Yudy Lorena Mendoza Angarita
Fermentation of cocoa CCN-51, on the basis of three methods, in different times
Augusto Marcillo Plaza, Tayron Martínez Carriel, Elicia Cruz Ibarra, Wilmer Baque Bustamante
Adriana Lucía Hernández Palacio, Andrés Francisco Olivar Rojas, José Luis Rodríguez Cuchivaguen
Importance of communicating love in the upbringing of children from 03 to 05
Lilibeth Jiménez, Karen Milena Abello Estrada, Alejandro López Libreros
Effectiveness of metal crowns in children aged 5 to 7 years UCSG clinic semester a-2018
Gabriela Rodríguez Espinoza, José Fernando Pino Larrea
Rene Mendoza Merchán
The importance of the subjective constitution in the child during the first years of his life
Ana Duran-Vera
Canva Ma, Milton Sancán
María del Rosario Quinde, Walter Anchundia, Lorena Bernabé
Teaching Innovation: Development of Mini-videos as an educational resource
Edgar López Moncayo Mera
Prevalence of co-infection of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency
Aguirre Martínez Juan Luis, Bravo Zúñiga Betty Alexandra, Campuzano Villafuerte José Javier, Wong Jara Narcisa Andrea
Ozone in the healing process of surgical wounds in dogs and cats
F. de F. Chonillo, C. G. Manzo
Edgar Raul Quezada Calle
Victor Chero-Alvarado, Arianna Panchana
Carlos Manzo Fernández, Fabiola Chonillo Aguilar
María Auxiliadora Fabre Haro
Financing higher education in the context of public policies in Ecuador
Luis Heliodoro Bravo Game
Jefferson Sanchez Ruiz, Jhohana Larrea Silva, Sheila Coronel López
Examining the Foreign Trade dynamics of Ecuador under Dollarization using Ricardian Theories
Nancy Cely Icaza, Emilio José Calle
Sara Rivadeneira Enríquez, Indira Rodríguez Abad