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  • Academician of the International Academy of Social Sciences (There are three types of Academician: Numbered Academicians hold the highest rank in the Academy and they are nominated and appointed by their peers with the approval of the President of the Academy. The number of numbered Academicians is limited to 50. Corresponding Academicians are nominated by numbered academicians and their number is limited to 100. Associate Academicians are limited to 200 and they encompass the former rank of honorary academicians. In 2023 the International Academy of Social Sciences signed an agreement with the Interuniversity Lecture series which included the following:

  • Numbered Academicians of the IASS would automatically become distinguished fellows of the Interuniversity Lecture Series.

  • Fellows of the IASS would be given the opportunity to apply for a fellowship in the Interuniversity Lecture Series.

  • Senior Fellow of the International Academy of Social Sciences

  • Fellow of the International Academy of Social Sciences

  • Junior Fellow of the International Academy of Social Sciences

  • Regular Membership

  • Student Membership


  • The title of Academician of Social Sciences is the highest honor bestowed by the International Academy of Social Sciences and by the Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences. It is given to prominent academics and leaders who have made an important contribution to their field. Academicians are entitled to use the post-nominal "AcIASS". Academicians are also entitled to wear a pendant, breast star, and miniature of the breast star. All Academicians are given their proper insignia at the time of appointment. Numbered Academicians wear the medal in full color, corresponding academicians in gold, and associate academicians in silver. 

Senior Fellow, Fellow, and Adjunct Fellow:

  • Rights and Privileges:Fellows have the right to name the International Academy of Social Sciences (IASS) as one of their affiliations, to publish opinion papers in the Journal, to advertise their books in the Journal and the official web-site, to represent the Academy in official functions, to nominate scholars for the award of "Scholar of the Month", and will be given preference in order to publish longer pieces by JAPSS Press. Fellows are allowed to use the post-nominal "FIASS".

  • Requirements: Senior Fellowships will be granted by nomination to prominent scholars in the fields of the Social Sciences whose work has promoted the goals and principles of the Journal and are for life. Fellowships will be granted to scholars in the fields of the Social Sciences whose work promotes the goals and principles of the Journal and are for a period of three years. Adjunct Fellowships are bestowed at the recommendation of the Editor in Chief and the Associate Editor to junior scholars who show potential.

Regular Membership

  • Rights and Privileges: Reduced fees for conferences and symposia organized by the Academy, opportunities to publish scholarly work with the JAPSS Press, and opportunities to join a truly international network of scholars and practitioners.

  • Requirements: At least an undergraduate degree from an accredited university in a field related to the Social Sciences.

Student Membership

  • Rights and Privileges: Reduced fees for conferences and symposia organized by the Academy and opportunities to join a truly international network of scholars and practitioners.

  • Requirements: To be currently an undergraduate or high school student.

For more information about membership please contact the Interuniversity Lecture Series

Copyright held by the Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 2024.

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